We all know by now that "Havlicek stole the ball." Know who he stole it from? It was a crappy pass by Hal Greer. Old-timers know what I'm talking about. Greer scored over twenty thousand career points but he's still on TV every year, throwing that same shitty pass to Havlicek. That's his signature moment.
Tonight in Game 7, someone will step up to the challenge and play his best game when the pressure is on. Someone will be the hero. And someone else might choke harder than Nick Anderson (I know it wasn't G7, just making a point).
The array of candidates is intriguing, to say the least.
Ron Artest combines an awful looking jumpshot with some terrible decision making to jump right to the top of this list. Laker fans wince whenever he dribbles.
Rajon Rondo is 4-17 from the line in this series. Can't you see that snowballing? What if he has a Shaq night where he's like 5-21 from the stripe and they lose by a bucket? What if he airballs a pair down 1 with no time on the clock?
Pau Gasol has a tendency to flip the ball at the rim instead of dunking it. Instead of gathering himself and going up strong, he'll put up a little hook shot. What if he misses a game-winning chippy at the buzzer, Patrick Ewing-style, when he could have easily dunked?
And then you've got Big Baby, who drools when he's happy and cries when he's upset. He's also got an amazing propensity for missing layups. He could easily be the next Charles Smith, getting a number of his attempts rejected as time runs out.
Tonight, someone will step up and steal the spotlight. There's also a very real possibility that someone else fucks up like never before and immortalizes himself for all the wrong reasons.
Pictured: Starks' fateful night

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