Heartfelt boos all the way around for sad sack Ernie Grunfeld, who's basically giving his players away. Butler AND Haywood for Josh Howard? And now he's contemplating Jamison for an assortment of the Cavs benchwarming scrubs. If David Stern penalizes teams for tanking to get into the lottery, why doesn't he punish them for tanking to save payroll? That team's a fucking disgrace.
Same goes for the Clips. No surprise there, really. Although I will give them credit for issuing Ricky Buckets his marching orders. I was astonished when they signed him in the first place. He hasn't been an NBA-quality player in three years.
Rumor monger Marc J Spears (who's right about .008% of the time) is putting word out that Boston is taking a hard look at Nate Robinson. First Marbury, now this. Ainge is turning back into a pumpkin, folks. At this rate, would anyone be surprised if Boston was a 20 win team again in three years?
Will Ferrell: "You gotta win to get love!"

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